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In preparation for the General Data Protection Regulations that come into effect in May 2018, Edinburgh School of Music have audited and reviewed all our systems, policies and processes related to how we store and process your personal data. Protecting your data, and your rights under the GDPR is a priority for us and we will continue to review our processes as our business evolves.


We [Edinburgh School of Music] are incorporated in England and we are committed to protecting any data that we collect concerning you. By using our services you agree to the use of the data that we collect in accordance with this Privacy Policy and our Privacy Notices.


We are committed to protecting your privacy

We collect the minimum amount of information about you that is commensurate with providing you with a satisfactory service. Our Privacy Notices declare the types of data we collect, store and process.


Information collected

We may collect any or all of the information that you give us depending on the type of transaction you enter into, including your name, address, telephone number and email address, together with data about your use of our services.


How and why we process your personal data

To enroll a child in our lessons or register your interest in our service, you need to provide some personal data:

  • Your Contact Details

  • Product Preferences (for example instruments you would like your child to play)

  • Your Child’s Information (Name, School, Year Group, any relevant Medical / Educational Notes)

    • We consider Medical Notes you provide to be Special Category Data, and our legal basis for storing this is to protect the Vital Interests of your child. For example, when your child is in our care, knowing about life-threatening allergies helps us to keep them safe.

To effectively delivery our service, we may also store a record of your:

  • Communication History with us (e.g. copies of emails, or notes about phone calls)

  • Billing History

  • Child’s Lesson Attendance

If you are a paying customer, you are required to provide:

  • Bank Details or Credit/Debit Card Details

    • These will be stored and processed by specialist third party payment processing suppliers. We do not store a copy of any credit/debit card details.


Recording your child’s performances (video/photo/audio)

With your consent, we may film, photograph and record your child’s musical performance as an optional part of the educational experience we deliver. Any images/recordings are published separately from your personal data, and you are able to take part in ESM services without opting-in to this part of our product.


Our Legal Basis for processing your personal data

  • For active customers, our Legal Basis for collecting and processing your personal data is our Contract with you.

  • For prospective customers (e.g. if you join our waiting list) our Legal Basis is your intention to enter into a Contract with us.

  • For recording (video/photo/audio) our Legal Basis for processing this data is Consent.


How and when we share your personal data

  • We may share details of your personal data such as a phone number or email address with your music teacher to ensure lessons run smoothly.


How long we store your data

We store your data for up to three years after:

  • You finish as an active customer; or

  • Your last contact with us


Information use

We use the information collected primarily to deliver our services to you. Data collected in the UK is held in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). All reasonable precautions are taken to prevent unauthorised access to this information.


Disclosing information

We do not disclose any personal information obtained about you to third parties except when we need to do so in order to deliver our service to you, when required to do so by law, or with your consent.


Keeping you informed

We may use your information to keep in contact with you and inform you of developments associated with our business. You will be given the opportunity to remove yourself from any mailing list or similar device.


Changes to this policy

Any changes to our Privacy Policy will be updated here on our website and will supersede this version of our Policy. We will take reasonable steps to draw your attention to any changes in our Policy.


Contact Us

Edinburgh School of Music, Studio B1.08, St. Margaret's House,

151 London Road, EH7 6AE
TELEPHONE: 07595 759367


Your rights under the GDPR

You have qualified rights to access, rectify and erase your personal data, and to restrict or object to processing, and to make your data portable. You have the right to complain to a Supervisory Authority (e.g. The Information Commissioner’s Office).


How to raise a concern about how your data is handled

Please contact us with any concerns you have about how we are handling your data. For detailed guidance on how to raise a concern, and your rights to escalate concerns to the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) please visit:









Photography & Filming Consent


ESM wants to promote and celebrate its student's musical activity through recorded media. This material will contain images of students that have participated in various activities/events as a performer and maybe shared via social media and the ESM website.

The interests and wellbeing of our students are paramount and ESM follows strict and legal Safeguarding protocols that ensure that all necessary steps are taken to protect children and young people at all times from the inappropriate use of images.


Conditions of use:
- The consent is valid for the period of time your child attends ESM.
- We will only use images of pupils in suitable dress.
- We will not use the personal details or full names (first name and surname) of any child in a photographic image or video, on social media, our website or any other printed publications without additional consent.
- It is your responsibility to let us know if you withdraw consent at any time.


If you ever have any concerns regarding inappropriate/intrusive photography, please report these immediately to



Online Safety Agreement 


The interests and wellbeing of our students are paramount and ESM follows strict and legal Safeguarding protocols that ensure that all necessary steps are taken to protect children and young people at all times.


We recognise that:
- The online world provides everyone with many opportunities; however, it can also present risks and challenges.
ESM has a duty to ensure that all children, young people and adults involved in our organisation are protected from potential harm online.
- All our tutors are members of the PVG scheme and have a clear understanding of our child protection and safeguarding measures.
- All online lessons will be conducted by our tutors from an ESM account which will not be for personal use. 
- Tutors will dress appropriately and conduct lessons in a suitable location.

Please can parents/students ensure:
- Skype or other online tutoring platforms are to be used for lessons and information around lessons only and not for any other contact with our tutors, e.g. sharing photos or general messaging. 
- It is suggested that parents/students to restrict their own profiles so that they can only receive calls from known contacts.
- Whilst online lessons are taking place, please can students wear appropriate clothing and behave in an appropriate manner, just as you would with a face-to-face lesson.

If student/parent or teacher feel that any of the above points have been breached, terminate the call immediately and communicate the reason afterwards. If further action is needed or you have any concerns regarding inappropriate behaviour, please report this immediately to:

Our full safeguarding policy can be found at:



Terms and Conditions


- Agreeing to the Terms and Conditions constitutes an agreement that will last the duration of a pupil's time at the school unless notified in writing (see below)

- Invoices are sent by email at the end of each month (with the exception of groups). Payment is to be made through the invoice or by bank transfer upon receipt of the invoice. Please make payment in full within 14 days. Repeated failure to pay lesson fees on time will result in the termination of tuition.

- If a pupil cannot attend a lesson, it's the pupil’s/parents responsibility to make alternative arrangements at least 48 hours in advance either directly with their teacher or with the Director of ESM. FAILURE TO PROVIDE 24 HOURS NOTICE WILL RESULT IN THE LESSON BEING CHARGED IN FULL. This is to protect our teacher's wages. 

- Notice to terminate tuition must be given one month in advance and in writing to the Director of ESM (

- The entering of pupils for accredited practical music exams is normally decided between teacher and pupil. The boards we use for exams are ABRSM, Trinity and LCM. Exam fees will be added to the monthly invoice. 


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